10 Best Products For Milia In Singapore For Every Budet
Editor’s Choice NEOSTRATA GLYCOLIC RENEWAL Smoothing Lotion CHECK LATEST PRICE 2nd Best Choice Peter Thomas
My hair is rather fine, straight, and I’ve bleached it once for a colour that faded within a week (screams internally). It’s not thick by any means, and absolutely I would love it if it’s thicker. I’ve opted for some popular Western products in the past that are recommended by the internet, one of which being Nioxin (which burned and gave me a very red scalp) and even Rogaine (no results whatsoever, perhaps because I do not have female pattern baldness), Biotin vitamins and various shampoos with little to no success. I do love voluminous hair and always try to achieve this with blow drying, root perm and using thickening shampoo and hair products. Then again, nothing really works.
One sweet day, I stumbled upon a praising review of a Japanese product, Kaminomoto Hair Tonic – Super Strength Hair Serum (Gold). I bought it with a beacon of hope.
This multiple prescription is made to tackle the root cause of the thinning and loss of hair. To exemplify, the medicative ingredient “Hinokitiol” which is extracted from Hinoki tree or Japanese Cypress, has the antiseptic properties to prevent dandruff, itch, and hair fall, and is an excellent ingredient in making your healthy and stronger for the long run.
The clear liquid comes in a 150ml bottle with a small nozzle-type dispenser. The manufacturer recommended users to go through 1-1.5 bottles a month. That seems a little excessive to me, and my bottle lasted me longer than that. Nearly two months, if I’m not mistaken.
Sprinkle an adequate amount of the product and apply it generously to the scalp, whether it is dry or wet. Do it twice a day.
Massage the scalp gently for the product to absorb more effectively and encourage blood circulation.
Wash the hair for at least every 2 to 3 days.
I have been using Kaminomoto Hair Tonic for nearly half a year now. I do it after every shampoo (every 2-3 days) on wet scalp and every night before bed on dry scalp. The nozzle makes it easy and convenient to drip the product directly onto the skin. The texture is rather watery and the product dries quickly once applied. If you are like me and don’t wash your hair daily, no fret not – Kaminomoto Hair Tonic will not make your roots greasy. In fact, it balances out the sebum production and keeps my hair looking fresh for the longest time. Using it once to twice a day, the bottle lasted me several months. There were days when I missed the treatment, but the results are still apt to show.
The most prominent change was in the amount of hair loss (which is deemed a normal process for everyone, but I still wanted to limit mine). I’m extra meticulous with my hair and use special combs and brushes to gently detangle it, yet after every shower I used to get quite a few strands left in the brush or in my hands.
After Kaminomoto Hair tonic, that number has decreased to maybe 1-2 strands after a wash (from a lot more previously). I also noticed an accelerated hair growth. Since I am prone to colouring and bleaching my hair for years now, I know what my roots are like between colour treatments. While using Kaminomoto Hair Tonic, I’ve had to switch to colouring hair every 3 weeks because the dark roots were long and noticeable. Generally speaking, I do not have dandruff or an itchy scalp hence unable to speak about those claims. All I can say is, be patient with the results – the product works by healing and stimulating the roots, so it takes some time to see positive changes.
It definitely isn’t easy knowing you may never have the same long tresses or hairstyles you had last time but Kaminomoto Hair Tonic is an easy and safe alternative to fight your hair loss. Give it a try and see how it turns out for you!
With that, I conclude my Kaminomoto Hair Tonic review, and suppose you’d like to take a further look at other hair tonic products to step your game up, you may find this article useful.
Be mindful of your words as they are impactful, which also explains why I'm extremely fond of writing.
Editor’s Choice NEOSTRATA GLYCOLIC RENEWAL Smoothing Lotion CHECK LATEST PRICE 2nd Best Choice Peter Thomas
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Last Updated on January 4, 2023 by Celine