10 Best Microcurrent Facial Devices For That Instant Face Lift

microcurrent facial machines

Editor's Choice

NuDerma Cell Energy Amplification System

microcurrent facial machines

2nd Best Choice

Multifun 3D Microcurrent Facial Roller

microcurrent facial machines

3rd Best Choice

Yeamon 4D Microcurrent Facial Massager

Sagging skin, wrinkles, fine lines, we can’t ever escape aging. However, we can slow down the wheel of time and hang on to that precious youthful skin of yours. The best microcurrent facial devices can help you do just that! 

As we age, we lose collagen and firmness in our skin, and microcurrent facial devices come in handy to help tone the skin and create more definition in your areas such as the chin and cheekbone by lifting and sculpting your facial muscles. 

This special type of devicee uses a microcurrent wand that is placed on such areas to stimulate the muscles, give them a bit of a workout, and help them stay in shape. 

Here is everything you need to know about the microcurrent facial devices, along with a low down of 10 of the best models you can buy. 

microcurrent facial devices

10 Best Microcurrent Facial Devices

1. NuDerma Cell Energy Amplification System

microcurrent facial machines

Ranked the best microcurrent facial device on the list, the NuDerma Cell Energy Amplification System features a high-frequency handle and neon-powered wands that caters to different requirements. The mushroom tube it comes with is meant to target the broader areas of your face such as the forehead, cheeks and jawline. The bent tube and tongue tube help to reduce acne, pimples, and other skin imperfections, while the comb-like tube is used to promote blood circulation and reduce dandruff. This microcurrent facial device generates 10 W of power in high-frequency waves of 50-60 Hz to ensure a painless and effective treatment.

Key Feature:

Microcurrent facial device for professional-calibre treatment at home.




Includes multiple wands

Comes with an instruction manual



2. Multifun 3D Microcurrent Facial Roller

microcurrent facial machines

Moving forward to the second best microcurrent facial device on our list, the Multifun 3D Microcurrent Facial Rollers delivers a salon-calibre treatment experienced at the comfort of one’s own home. This roller also works extremely well on your face, neck, arms, waist, thighs and buttocks. It helps stimulate blood circulation, improves facial tone and facial contour, tightens your skin and minimizes dark circles and wrinkles. What we love most about this toller is that it comes with an acupoint ball at the end of the handle that stimulates your acupuncture points and helps you relax. Interestingly, it works on solar energy to generate weak microcurrents.

Key Feature:

Solar powered microcurrent facial roller


Easy to use


Doesn’t rely on batteries

Has an in-built solar panel



3. Yeamon 4D Microcurrent Facial Massager

microcurrent facial machines

The Yeoman 4D Microcurrent Facial Massager delivers a microcurrent therapy through high-frequency vibration. It features an adjustable vibration mode, vibration speed, and microcurrent intensity—you can opt for five options to benefit from each function. This facial massager works to release gentle microcurrents that will stimulate and energize your facial muscles. It also delivers blue light phototherapy to heal acne and skin inflammation.

Check out 4 best blue light therapy devices that can help clear your skin here

Key Feature:

Multi-function microcurrent facial massager that releases a high frequency vibration


Features an adjustable settings

Provides phototherapy




Comes with a USB cable


Doesn’t come with clear usage instruction

4. Lifetrons Beauty Ultra Facial Lift Device

The Lifetrons Beauty Ultra Facial Lift Device is a 3-in-1 device with separate attachments for the face, eyes and lips. It comes with four different levels of facial treatment whether to relieve the signs of fatigue from your skin, improve blood circulation, or to rejuvenate it. This handy device also provides red light color therapy that increases collagen production and smooth wrinkles and fine lines for a firmer and more youthful complexion. Plus, it also helps to tone your sagging facial muscles to create a visible lifting effect. 

Key Feature:

3-in-1 microcurrent facial lift device


Boasts interchangeable massage heads


Easy to use

Comes with a 1 year warranty



5. Lebody Microcurrent Generator Facial Toning Device

The Lebody Microcurrent Generator Facial Toning Device is another best microcurrent facial device we swear by. Claims to show significant results within 10 minutes of usage, It lifts sagging skin and improves elasticity using the cutting-edge microcurrent technology. It improves the skin’s ability to absorb active ingredients in creams and serums, allowing you to maximize the benefits of your skincare products. The device also helps to activate the skin cells to produce collagen and elastic, as well as to improve your skin tone. 

Key Feature:

Handy microcurrent facial device with complimentary renewal face water gel


Has an automatic power-off feature

Features adjustable settings

Comes with two treatment modes


Extremely pricey

6. Solawave Advanced Skin Care Wand

If you are new to the world of microcurrent therapy, the Solawave Advanced Skin Care Wand is your best bet. This option targets a wider variety of skin concerns. It harnesses the power of microcurrent technology and LED lights to deal with inflammation and blemishes. It offers facial massages to reduce puffiness, and utilizes therapeutic warmth to improve product absorption. 

Key Feature:

Microcurrent wand with LED light therapy, facial massage and therapeutic warmth



Includes multiple skin-supporting technologies



Only covers a small surface area


7. ZIIP Beauty GX Series Microcurrent Facial Device

Another best microcurrent facial device you can count on—the ZIIP Beauty GX Series Microcurrent Facial Device boasts an easy design that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand so you can easily maneuver it around the face. It works in tandem with the ZIIP app which syncs with your device. When you want to use it, simply select your preferred facial treatment via the app—from targeting forehead lines to full face—and let it guide you step-by-step with instructions and haptic feedback. 

Key Feature:

Hand-held microcurrent facial device that can be synchronised with a mobile phone


Synchronizable with mobile phone

The ZIIP option includes a Gold Conductive gel, an all-star formula that contains actual gold, five growth factors, peptides, niacinamides, aloe vera, and more


Extremely pricey

8. Foreo Bear

What we love most about this microcurrent facial tool is the antishock system. Foreo Bear is designed to automatically adjust to your skin’s comfort level and delivers up to 10 microcurrent intensities. Suppose you have sensitive skin, feel free to dial down the power—but you can also amp it up if you’re looking for more visible results right after the therapy. 

Key Feature:

Rechargeable microcurrent facial tool with 10 microcurrent intensities


Rechargeable with up to 90 uses per single charge,

Offers 10 microcurrent intensities

Features adjustable settings



9. NuFace Trinity Complete Set

best micro current facial device

NuFace makes some of the best microcurrent facial devices there is, and Trinity being the best of the best. This FDA cleared kit comes with everything you possibly need: the device itself, a hydrating conductive gel, a target attachment for the lip and eye area, along with an LED and infrared therapy attachment to deliver amber and red lights. 

Key Feature:

Microccurent facial device with LED light therapy and infrared technology


RED light helps treat discoloration

Comes with a hydrating gel that’s formulated with snow mushroom extract, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, etc.


The conductive gel also consists of parabens

10. 7E Wellness Myolift ™ Mini Microcurrent Device

Whether you’re a skin care pro or amateur, the 7E Wellness is your best bet. The brand offers a reliable digital support portal, access to community groups for business support and inspiration (for fellow aestheticians), and extensive, one-on-one education sessions with certified professionals. Besides, they carry a wide range of accessories for you to shop, but the FDA cleared Mayolift Mini makes a great starting point for beginners.

Key Feature:

Professional-grade microcurrent facial device with a conductive gel.


Professional-calibre too

Firms and lifts skin


Not as user-friendly as the others

What are the Benefits of Microcurrent Facial Devices?

While it is important to know how to use this tool, you must understand why you should use it. Here’s a list of skin-enhancing benefits offered by microcurrent facial devices: 

a) Muscle toning

The microcurrents target the facial muscles, helping them become stronger and more lifted overtime. Essentially, this can be seen as a workout for your face.

b) ATP Production

ATP is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that is crucial for cellular energy—like an energy currency. It declines naturally with age, but microcurrents can stimulate the muscles to promote the production of ATP.

C) Collagen And Elastin Production

Increased ATP production supports collagen and elastin in the skin.

d) Increased Product Absorption

Microcurrents can help improve product absorption on the skin. 

e) Wrinkle Reduction

Microcurrents also help to reduce wrinkles over time. 

Cautions About Using Microcurrent Facial Devices

While microcurrent facial devices are considered safe overfall, these professional-grade products should be used and treated with care. Firstly, consult your doctor to find out if you have epilepsy, heart conditions or you’re pregnant before using microcurrent.

On top of that, here’s what to bear in mind when incorporating microcurrent facial devices into your routine. 

  • Identify your skin type: Microcurrent is best suited for those with skin concerns related to ageing such as sagging skin, fine lines and dullness. Those with otherwise healthy skin can, too, benefit from them in the long run. However, those suffering from moderate to severe acne and rosacea should avoid using microcurrent at all costs.
  • Pair it up with a clean, quality, water-based formula: Use conductive gels that are clean and free of ingredients that may cause long-term negative implications. Since microcurrent tools are to help ingredients better absorb and penetrate into the skin, you want to make sure the ingredients of your gel are non-irritating. Opt for ingredients such as niacinamide, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, and peptides. 
  • Stay away from retinols and exfoliants when using microcurrent devices at night: Avoid potent exfoliants and actives before your facial—at-home facial tools are no different. On the nights you use your device, make sure to keep your topical routine simple and gentle.
  • Avoid Botox or fillers: Skin care professionals advise waiting a minimum of two weeks after getting Botox or fillers done before using microcurrent devices again.


Do Microcurrent Facial Devices Really Work?

Microcurrent facial devices work extremely well at improving one’s complexion. By delivering electrical currents to the muscles and skin cells, the face will begin to lift and tone while also blurring away any fine lines over time. Though there is not much research on the long-term use of microcurrent therapy, some users reported seeing immediate results after these facials. Some users, on the other hand, need a few sessions to notice any visible changes.

Do Microcurrent Facial Devices Hurt?

Don’t be intimidated by these devices. Usually, microcurrent facials are noninvasive and painless. The currents are so weak and low that you often can’t feel them. If anything, you’ll notice a gentle hum or warmth on the skin.

What Should You Use Microcurrent Facial Devices With?

You should use your microcurrent facial device with a great amount of conductive gel. These gels are water-based formulas that allow the currents to penetrate the skin. Many brands provide gels alongside the device, but if not, you can use aquas serums. Look for hydrating ingredients such as aloe vera, peptides, and hyaluronic acid. Most importantly, avoid serums that contain AHAs, BHAs and retinol.

How Often Should You Use A Microcurrent Facial Device?

As with any product or tool, you should use your microcurrent device as instructed by the brand. Generally speaking, these devices are safe to use three to five times a week for about 10-minute spans. Do not use your microcurrent devices at nights when you’re exfoliating or using a retinol.

Can You Overdo It with Microcurrent Facial Devices?

Since this is a noninvasive and painless procedure, there is no fear in overdoing microcurrent facials. If used correctly, these devices should not cause any damage or harm to the skin.

microcurrent facial machines

Editor's Choice


NuDerma Cell Energy Amplification System


 The NuDerma Cell Energy Amplification System features a high-frequency handle and neon-powered wands that caters to different requirements. The mushroom tube it comes with is meant to target the broader areas of your face such as the forehead, cheeks and jawline. The bent tube and tongue tube help to reduce acne, pimples, and other skin imperfections, while the comb-like tube is used to promote blood circulation and reduce dandruff. This microcurrent facial devicegenerates 10 W of power in high-frequency waves of 50-60 Hz to ensure a painless and effective treatment.  

Celine So

Celine So

Be mindful of your words as they are impactful, which also explains why I am so fond of writing.

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