RefectoCil Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint Review: Better Than Makeup

Eyelash extensions or eyelash lifts; eyebrow embroideries or eyebrow trims, the trend comes and go but above all, requires immense level of maintenance. The process can be a lengthy one and not to mention them being costly. Some people are still dedicated to frequent beauty parlours regardless simply because they are not used to how they look without it. A notion whereby skipping a regular session with the cosmetologist indicates having to look awful, hence the need to keep up with this monthly expenditure. If you fit the shoe, you’re not alone. 

With many beauty trends in the market, what stays up to this modern times would be none other than the eyelash and eyebrow tints. Women who can’t live without perfect brows and lashes tend to always look for a faster alternative other than applying makeup every morning. If you’ve been in the beauty industry for some time, you would probably know that the RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tint is pretty popular in most countries. If you’re keen to learn more about it, we’ve done the research below!

RefectoCil Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint

What kind of brand is RefectoCil?

For more than 70 years (since 1930s), RefectoCil, founded in Austria, has made its’ name for being one of the trusted professional brand for eyelash and eyebrow tints. A fun fact of how this brand came about was when the founder, Josef Gschwentner, who was a hair dresser, decided to experiment with hair dyes by creating his own.

Essentially, RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tint is made to target hairdresser, professional hair salons, beauty professionals and make-up artists. Thanks to their passion of ensuring customers are always first, they’ve became the most reliable brand for eyelash and eyebrow tints all over the world (including Europe, UK, and Russia).

You might wonder why RefectoCil doesn’t offer other beauty products such as makeup or lash extensions. Well, because RefectoCil believes they are the pioneer in producing eyelash and eyebrow tints, so if that’s what they do best and are experts in it, why not continue to strive in being the go-to in this niche?

Besides, they have the value of wanting to make women and men all over the world to feel beautiful and be the best version of themselves without having to go through any permanent procedures or treatments.

RefectoCil Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint: The Product

Now, on to the actual product itself: the RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tint. It comes in 9 different colours and are all mixable to create the right shade for your lashes and brows. The bestselling colurs are Blue Black, Light Brown, Natural Brown and Black.

The eyelash and eyebrow tint is made to last for about 6 weeks. Before using each of the tints, you need to purchase their Oxidant 3% 10vol. Cream or Liquid and mix the tint with it – without this, you the dye won’t be able to function as it should.

The RefectoCil tint kit is water resistant (won’t smudge when there are sweat or tears on your face!) and offers a light vivid coloration.

RefectoCil Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint

How To Use The RefectoCil Tint

It’s not that difficult to use the RefectoCil tint kit. Here are the instructions:

Step 1: Clean up your eye area.

Wipe away any dust or oil using an eye makeup remover (make sure it’s oil-free!). You may use the RefectoCil Saline Solution to get rid of any residue around your eyes as well as put on the protection pads such as the RefectoCil Silicone Pads. Use Vaseline on the areas you don’t want to stain.

Step 2: Mix the tint and apply it.

Squeeze out about 2cm from the tint container and add about 15 to 20 drops of RefectoCil Oxidant Cream or 10 drops of RefectoCil Oxidant Liquid. Mix it until you achieve a creamy paste. Apply the mixture on the lashes and brows.

Step 3: Leave the tint on.

You should leave the tint on your lashes for about 10 to 15 minutes. As for your brows, leave it from 5 to 10 minutes. Leave it on for longer if you want it to be more effective.

Step 4: Remove any residue.

Once the time is up, you can use any cotton wool pad to clean up and get rid of any remaining residue left with water.

RefectoCil Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint

RefectoCil Eyelash Tint Review

Say goodbye to ever using makeup! Those who spend time applying mascara thanks to the non-existant lashes find that the RefectoCil eyelash tint does the job well just like how a mascara would. When applied, the lashes look very natural while enabling your eyes to look bigger at the same time.

If you’re tired of constantly having to fill your eyebrows every morning, you’ll find joy knowing that you will save so much of time when using the RefectoCil tint kit! Customers share that is so easy to mix and apply. Rest assured, you should be able to watch the tint last for weeks. Yes, that means no need spend time doing up your eyebrows on a daily basis anymore.

The colours are very natural looking, almost as if it looks like your natural eyebrows. Their skin does not get irritated either, unlike other brands which gives off a burning feeling, based on a few customer’s experience. But take note that the longer you leave the dye on, it will turn darker. Several customers weren’t aware about this so they leave it longer than they intend to which made the color darker.

However, some customers share that the longer they leave the tint on, it would last longer too. So, perhaps it’s best to go through trial and error to find out what works best for you. No matter what, customers seem to enjoy their purchase of the RefectoCil tint kit and have been using it for many years.

For the best results, some mentioned that the RefetoCil tint kit works great for those with light eyebrows as it makes a huge difference when applied.


For the faster alternative to applying makeup every day on your lashes and brows, the RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tint would be worth the purchase among all the available eyelash tint kit in the market.

But take our recommendations with a grain of salt, because you should always try out different brands to know which products would work for you. For instance, the RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tint may be great for most people, but if you have sensitive skin or skin issues such as eczema, you might not get the best results from this product. Instead, you’ll just encounter skin irritation or worse. Hence, be sure to perform a patch test too.

Say goodbye to beauty parlours and start getting that tinting work done yourself! Thanks to RefectoCil, this has become easier than ever before.

Always remember ladies, beauty comes at a cost – so becareful while performing your trial and error! 

Michelle Anne Kam

Michelle Anne Kam

Passionate about online marketing and writing. Apart from that, I enjoy lifting weights at the gym.

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